Tim Laycock explores the written and oral heritage of folksong, country dance music and gallery music in south Dorset communities. Readings from William Barnes, Thomas Hardy and the Rev Galpin, and music from the Hardy, Rose and Luckham manuscripts played on concertina, melodeon, flute and cello.
Tim Laycock has spent most of his working life as a professional actor and musician. He hs a deep interest in the folklore and stories of Dorset. With fiddle player Colin Thompson he published a facsimile of the Benjamin Rose manuscript of country dance tunes from the Blackmore Vale. He leads (with Phil Humphries) the Ridgeway Singers and Band, is vice-president of the William Barnes Society, and is currently artistic director of The New Hardy Players.
The talk will be held in Hope United Reformed Church at 8 Trinity Street. Tea & biscuits will be served from 2pm and the talk will begin at 2.30pm.
Tickets will be available on the door and are £2.00 for members of the Friends and £3.00 for visitors. (Exact change would be appreciated, if possible).