We are delighted to announce that our programme of ‘Teas & Talks”, organised by the Friends of Weymouth Museum, will resume next week on Monday 11th October.
The first talk of the season is ‘Weymouth 450 – Division & Reunion’ presented by Museum volunteer Graham Perry. The talk looks at how the towns of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis became separated and were then reunited, with their differences finally being settled by the Royal Charter of 1616.
As usual the talk will be held in Hope United Reformed Church at 8 Trinity Street. Tea & biscuits will be served from 2pm and the talk will begin at 2.30pm.
Tickets will be available on the door and are £2.00 for members of the Friends and £3.00 for visitors. (Exact change would be appreciated, if possible).
We would ask that masks are worn when moving around in the church.