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Wordsworth’s Shipwreck: a Treasure Trove of History Preserved for the Future

Monday, November 25, 2024

The Earl of Abergavenny was launched in 1796 in Northfleet, Kent and is rare as one of only 36 ships of 1460 tons that formed a special class of the East India Company’s merchant fleet. It was an early example of the changing technologies in ship building of the time, incorporating the use of iron in its construction. Together with other East India Company vessels, it contributed to the growth of western economies during the 17th-19th centuries and Britain’s strengthening position as a world power.   

Due to a combination of human error and stormy weather it sank 1.5 miles east of Weymouth’s Stone Pier on 5 February 1805, after striking the Shambles Bank. It was a major disaster not only because of how many lives were lost that included the captain, but the ship was also loaded with 62 chests of Silver Dollars – cargo estimated to be worth £7.5 million today. The ship’s captain, John Wordsworth, was brother of renowned romantic poet William Wordsworth. After the ship sank with the death of his brother, William’s writing style dramatically changed and became much bleaker 

The talk by Maritime historian, Portland Museum trustee & ‘By-the-Wey’ editor, David Carter, will explore the reasons for the disaster, the subsequent salvage and archaeological excavation by an amateur team that has culminated in the transfer of the finds to Portland Museum and the granting of protection by Scheduling from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport on the advice of Historic England on 14th August 2024 and the future of the wreck site and the recovered finds.

The talk will be held in Hope United Reformed Church at 8 Trinity Street.  Doors open at 2.00 pm and the talk will start at 2.30pm.

Tickets will be available on the door and are £2.00 for members of the Friends and £3.00 for visitors. (Exact change would be appreciated, if possible).

  • Organizer Name: Friends of Weymouth Museum
  • Email:
  • Website:
  • Type: Friends of Weymouth Museum Talk
  • Time: November 25, 2024 - 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
  • Venue:Hope Church, Trinity Street, Weymouth DT4 8TW

The new entrance facilities were only made possible through an emergency fund from the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

We have also benefitted from the active support of The Friends of Weymouth Museum.